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2023 Annual Appeal

We are a nonprofit that relies on the generosity of our donors. 20% of our 2023 revenue must come from donations.
A DONATION TODAY WILL:  Maintain the buildings, animal habitats, exhibits, and collections | Care for and maintain this magnificent historic property | Keep fees and membership costs affordable for everyone | Provide scholarships to local youth


  • Preserve the legacy of Thornton W. Burgess, Sandwich-born native, author, naturalist, and conservationist—and the natural environment that inspired him. Celebrate the 150th year of his birth with us in 2024!
  • Maintain and preserve:
    • The historic 1780 Captain Nye House main building
    • The Burgess collection, including Harrison Cady's original book illustrations
    • The Robert S. Swain Natural History Library collection on our environmental history
    • The award-winning Shirley Cross Wildflower Garden
  • Operate and carry on the traditions and legacy of Ida Putnam and her historic 1903 Jam Kitchen.
  • Care for the animals in our Live Menagerie.
  • Foster a deeper understanding and love for nature.
  • Engage and enrich more than 15,000 children and adults each year through thoughtful programming: garden tours, story time, nature walks, play-based early childhood programs, community outreach, field trips, Jam Kitchen workshops,
    and so much more.

IF YOU ARE AN EXISTING DONOR — THANK YOU, and please continue to support us!

IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED A MEMBERSHIP — please know that memberships are offered to give added benefits to the member. But we also need your donation. Membership dues pay for member services and only cover a small percent of our total operating costs. Donations are needed to bridge the funding gap.

IF YOU ARE A PATRON who enjoys our offerings, you should know that we work hard to keep costs affordable so everyone can participate in all that the Nature Center has to offer. So we really need your donation too!